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The Heavy Lessons of Overpacking

[Over] Packing

This summer, my mom and I (over)packed our bags and set off on the trip of a lifetime. I just graduated from college, so I was lucky enough to be able to celebrate my accomplishments with a European vacation. I’ll be posting a series of blogs to share what we saw, ate, learned and more.

Let’s get into packing and over-packing. First of all, over-packing sucks. In many ways. Travel days were made harder than necessary because of our heavy bag. Not fun!

Heaven in a Suitcase

I recently got a new suitcase set from Away luggage. It’s a newer, trendier brand with so many options of sizes and colors. All the bags are hard-shell, which I prefer. It’s nice to have that extra reassurance that your stuff won’t get broken or smashed during your travels. The luggage comes with TSA approved built-in locks so you can have extra security.

My favorite part of my new suitcases is that you have the option to add in a portable charger to the bag! It can charge your phone up to five times without recharging the battery. It also pops out and is small enough to bring with you anywhere, even if you’re not taking the whole carry-on.

No matter how many clothes I stuffed into my packing cubes, this suitcase closed securely with only a little tension. One thing I definitely recommend is to invest in a suitcase that has four 360-spinning wheels. Those things are a gift from above. It makes it so much easier to maneuver busy streets, airports and public transportation.

Outfit Planning

Before I left, I was trying to plan out my outfits beforehand so I could minimize the stress of figuring that out the day of and to also pack efficiently in case I couldn’t unpack where I was. I bought packing cubes from Amazon and they also are an essential and gift from above. They make packing, unpacking and repacking SO. MUCH. EASIER. They fit into suitcases like a satisfying little puzzle and help make sure that your belongings are organized.

For the summer, it’s pretty hot in Europe. Granted we were there during one of the most intense heatwaves in years, but even normally it can get upwards of 90 degrees Fahrenheit. It can also feel hotter in the cities because of all of the people and infrastructure. I recommend bringing lightweight, breathable clothing. I basically wore a dress or skirt every day because they were the most comfortable. Also, keep in mind that Europe has amazing shopping, so leave room for anything you might want to buy once you’re there.

Shoes-wise, you really don’t need more than 2-3 pairs. I brought a pair of tennis shoes, walking sandals and flip flops for the Airbnb/hotels. Shoes are the heaviest and clunkiest thing in your bag, so wear your biggest pair during travel days to avoid having to lug them around.

Liquids are always a struggle while traveling, especially when you have a lot of toiletry items and need your skincare routine products. I wasn’t able to really cut down on my toiletries, but I definitely could have cut down on my makeup. I brought my whole bag when really all I needed was concealer, mascara, and my eyebrow gel. The heat deterred me from wearing makeup most days, so I barely wore it.

Carry-On Essentials

In addition to my rolling carry-on bag, I also had a backpack in which I put some more of my essentials. I always carry my electronics bag with my headphones and chargers close to me because I don’t ever want to be caught without my phone (for many reasons) while traveling.

For long travel days, I always consider bringing a change of either clothes or undergarments-whatever works best for that day. Another essential for me is hand sanitizer and Wet Ones. Public transportation can be dirty. It’s not too much of a worry on trains and buses, but planes are a big one for me. If I’m on a long flight, I wipe down my seat and tray table because you never know what kind of germs are hanging out on there. Along with that, I always bring along some Vitamin C. Whether it’s EmergenC or Airborne, vitamin supplements can definitely help you avoid getting sick on your trip or when you get home.

I also love to bring essential oils in my smaller carry-on. Peppermint can help reduce headaches and also feels so refreshing when you haven’t been able to really wash your face in a while. I do also bring face wipes to refresh as well.

With long flights can come intense boredom. I always download podcasts, shows, and music beforehand so I can listen without WiFi on the plane. For longer flights where that might not be enough, I bought an adult activity book to keep us entertained. It’s packed with coloring pages, word searches, Sudoku and more. It definitely got us through some boring train rides.

Traveling through multiple countries or cities can be a big feat but packing the right things can make or break your trip. Consider these packing tips and ensure that your luggage doesn’t interfere with your happy vacation!

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